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Add-On Services

Anticellulite massage. Brush, salt and o

Dry Body Brushing - $25


Stimulates blood & lymph flow exfoliates skin & encourages new cell growth to maintain youthful glowing skin from head to toe. You will be provided your own body brush to be used during the session and to take home with you. 

Young woman have face guasha treatment a

Facial cupping and gua sha- $30


 Hot towels and facial oils are used  in this treatment along with  light cupping and  light gua sha .Traditional Chinese Medicine massage techniques ,that increase blood circulation & lymphatic drainage. Facial cupping  and gua sha will strengthen skin & connective tissues, stimulate collagen production & relax muscle tension. Long term benefits include brighter skin, minimized appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, a more toned chin, jaw & neckline, and decreased puffiness. This treatment is great for relieving headaches and sinus pressure.

Vacuum therapy. Cup massage. Hijama.jpg

Cupping massage - $85


Quickly and safely breaks up fascial adhesions removes toxins trapped deep in muscle tissue.

Physiotherapist doing leg massage to her

Targeted Stretching - $25


Safely achieve deep fascial release lengthen muscles while improving circulation and performance.

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